Identification of critical dynamic states of conical gear in operationally oriented designing
Skoć A.
S u m m a r y
Counteracting to disadvantageous results of dynamic interactions between components of a toothed gearbox is possible by application of relevant methods and measures aimed at mitigation of tooth-to-tooth dynamic forces that may origin in a toothed gearbox. For that purpose possession of adequate knowledge on reasons for excitation of gear components is indispensable. In particular, it is necessary to know what makes the toothed gears vibrate and what are the effects of such oscillations. In other words, it is necessary to examine mutual interconnections between reasons and effects that define dynamic constitution of a gearbox, which is crucial for loads to its components. The gearbox designer must make efforts to avoid operation of a gearbox under threat of excessive excitation of toothed gears and making them oscillate as these are conditions where parameters for dynamic loads may significantly exceed the values that had been adopted in the algorithm for calculation of the gearbox strength. Scope of this paper is solely limited to the analysis of the impact of the circumferential velocity of toothed gears on the toot-to-tooth dynamic load, which is closely connected with the impact of excitation frequency. The objective of the analysis is to find critical values of that velocity and define the bandwidth where local maxima of dynamic.