Virtual prototyping of powered-roof supports in case of changeable loads
Tokarczyk J.

State-of-the-art method for selection of start-up devices for mining drives of belt conveyors  
Kulinowski P.

Safety of the work in face ends  
Musiał B., Lisiecki K.

Present condition and development prospective for the ‘Bogdanka’ Colliery
Stachowicz S.

Present problems of coal exploatation in the ‘Bogdanka’ Colliery resulting from specificity of mining-and-geological and technical-and-organizational conditions
Krasowski Z.

State-of-the-art monitoring system for technological process for the ‘Bogdanka’ Colliery  
Mironowicz W.

Selected methods and measures for increase of safety and cost reduction of mining shaft hoists operation
Hansel J.

Wheel-and-rail transport on inclined road-ways with use of emergency braking system  
Krauze K.