• 60 years of activities of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology for development of mining machines industry
    Kłeczek Z., Kozieł A., Malec M.
  • Research projects of Testing Laboratory in KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology aiming at improvement of work safe in the mining industry 
    Madejczyk W.
  • Testing abilities of Laboratory of Applied Tests
    Orzech Ł., Talarek M., Niedworok A.
  • From mining machinery to toys – development of the Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology
    Grynkiewicz-Bylina B.
  • Research work of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology as regards innovative mechatronic solutions
    Stankiewicz K., Jasiulek D., Rogala-Rojek J., Woszczyński M.
  • Technical condition of powered-roof support on the basis of assessments of degree of wear, carried out with participation of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology
    Szyguła M., Chlebek D., Cieślak Z., Gerlich J., Jenczmyk D., Mazurek K., Stępor J., Turczyński K.
  • Problems of cooperation of different types of powered-roof support in one longwall on the example of “Expert’s opinions” issued by the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology
    Stępor J., Szyguła M., Cieślak Z., Jenczmyk D., Gerlich J., Chlebek D., Mazurek K.
  • Sate-of-the-art powered-roof supports of the Division of Powered Roof Supports at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology
    Szyguła M., Chlebek D., Cieślak Z., Gerlich J., Jenczmyk D., Mazurek K., Stępor J., Turczyński K.
  • Shaping of safe work conditions in mine transportation with use of suspended monorails and floor-mounted railways
    Winkler T., Tokarczyk J., Chuchnowski W., Dudek M.
  • Equipment aiding safe transportation of people on belt conveyors
    Szkudlarek Z., Wituła M., Bojarski P.
  • State-of-the-art machines and equipment aiding development of roadways with use of explosives
    Cebula D., Kalita M., Prostański D.
  • State-of-the-art methods for ventilation and dust control in roadways in underground mining plants
    Jedziniak M., Steindor M., Frydel W., Sekular K.
  • New technical solutions of KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology implemented in hoisting machines
    Kowal L., Turewicz K., Helmrich P., Nyga K.
  • Improvement of design of hoisting machines developed at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology
    Kowal L., Turewicz K., Helmrich P., Nyga K.:
  • Innovative solution of pulsating classifier for treatment of raw minerals
    Lenartowicz M., Matusiak P., Kowol D., Łagódka M.
  • Development of KOMAG pulsatory jigs
    Lenartowicz M., Matusiak P., Jędo A.., Kowol D.
  • Use of modelling of acoustic fields in control of over-standard sound emission
    Pierchała M., Augustyn A.
  • Innovative means for reduction of over-standard sound emission
    Pierchała M., Augustyn A., Marzec Z., Rachwalski M.
  • Hydraulics systems of machines and equipment for the mining industry
    Nieśpiałowski K.
  • Research work of KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology as regards air-and-water spraying systems 
    Prostański D., Bałaga D.
  • Directions of research work aiming at limiting of toxic substances emitted by diesel drives of machines used in deep mines
    Dobrzaniecki P., Kaczmarczyk K., Suffner H.:
  • Maintenance of mining machines based on knowledge
    Winkler T., Rozmus M., Michalak D., Jaszczyk Ł.
  • Innovative solutions of control systems and drives of electric locomotives of mine railways
    Budzyński Z.
  • Assessment of machines conformity as the element of their operational safety
    Figiel A.
  • Integrated management system of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology
    Zając R.:

60 years of activities of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology for development of mining machines industry

Kłeczek Z., Kozieł A., Malec M.

Activities of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology within last years for development of mining machines industry were presented in the paper. Structure and resources of KOMAG, including subject and scope of activity as well as research and manpower potential, was presented. Management system and realized international collaboration were discussed. The attention was paid to most important objectives and strategic priorities aiming at development of the Institute in accordance with demands of economy based on the knowledge.

Research projects of Testing Laboratory in KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology aiming at improvement of work safe in the mining industry

Madejczyk W.

Testing Laboratory is one of the first organizations in Poland that got accreditation of the Polish Accreditation Committee for testing powered roof supports and their components. The paper describes history of extension of Laboratory’s testing abilities. Laboratory’s back-up facilities as well as the results of the projects aiming at improvement of work safety were presented.

Testing abilities of Laboratory of Applied Tests

Orzech Ł., Talarek M., Niedworok A.

Laboratory of Applied Tests has got accreditation of the Polish Accreditation Committee for testing carried out in the certification process in the range of the following Directives: Machinery Directive, ATEX Directive and Low Voltage Directive. The paper describes the process of extension of Laboratory’s abilities by testing power-electronic parameters of drive systems, vibro-acoustic tests, electric tests as well as other tests.

From mining machinery to toys – development of the Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

Grynkiewicz-Bylina B.

A development of KOMAG’s accredited Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment from the moment of its establishing in 2006 was presented in the paper. Basic range of its activity as well as its objectives and research fields were presented. Research procedures were discussed with special attention paid to material tests of components of mining machines and equipment as well as to tests of safety of use of products, mainly toys, according to the requirements of the 88/378/EEC Directive .

Research work of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology as regards innovative mechatronic solutions

Stankiewicz K., Jasiulek D., Rogala-Rojek J., Woszczyński M.

Organizational activities and research work as regards mechatronics, which were realized at KOMAG, were presented in the paper. Results of selected realized scientific-and-research work were described. Developed solutions (e.g. system for identification of components of powered-roof support realized within targeted project in collaboration with ELSTA Company and the Faculty of Mining and Geology at the Silesian university of Technology and intelligent control system of roadheader realized within development project financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology) are more and more popular in Polish collieries. The Division of Mechatronic Systems takes an active part in the European Research Area by participation in the projects financed by the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel.

Technical condition of powered-roof support on the basis of assessments of degree of wear, carried out with participation of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

Szyguła M., Chlebek D., Cieślak Z., Gerlich J., Jenczmyk D., Mazurek K., Stępor J., Turczyński K.

A list of reports as regards assessments of degree of wear of powered-roof supports, which were developed in 2009 with participation of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, was presented in the paper. Analysis of technical condition of powered-roof supports, which operated in hard coal mines, was made. Results of assessments of degree of wear were discussed.

Problems of cooperation of different types of powered-roof support in one longwall on the example of “Expert’s opinions” issued by the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

Stępor J., Szyguła M., Cieślak Z., Jenczmyk D., Gerlich J., Chlebek D., Mazurek K.

Analysis of results of “Expert’s opinions”, which refer to possibilities of simultaneous use of more than one type of powered-roof support in a longwall, was presented in the paper. The analysis was developed by a group of people authorized to issue “Expert’s opinions” on behalf of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology. “Methodology of expert’s actions”, according to which the process of issuing of “Expert’s opinions” is carried out, was presented, its points were discussed and conclusions resulting from experience gained during development of opinions were given.

Sate-of-the-art powered-roof supports of the Division of Powered Roof Supports at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

Szyguła M., Chlebek D., Cieślak Z., Gerlich J., Jenczmyk D., Mazurek K., Stępor J., Turczyński K.

Parameters and characteristic features of state-of-the-art powered-roof supports manufactured according to documentation developed at KOMAG for Katowicki Coal Holding, JSC and parameters and characteristic features of powered-roof supports modernized for Coal Company, JSC were presented in the paper. The process of designing of powered-roof support and novel system for renewal of resources of powered-roof support in collieries of Katowicki Coal Holding, JSC were presented.

Shaping of safe work conditions in mine transportation with use of suspended monorails and floor-mounted railways

Winkler T., Tokarczyk J., Chuchnowski W., Dudek M.

Results of work of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology obtained during realization of the MINTOS European research project, which was co-financed by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, were presented in the paper. The project subject matter was associated with improvement of reliability of mine transportation. The System for Aiding of Traction Calculations, which was developed for the purpose of the internet platform and which aids designer of transportation system during selection of transportation means and transportation equipment for suspended monorails with their own drive, was presented. Software for testing collision possibility of loads transported by suspended monorails was discussed. Use of numerical simulations of emergency and dangerous events in shaping of safety of floor-mounted railways operators was presented.

Equipment aiding safe transportation of people on belt conveyors

Szkudlarek Z., Wituła M., Bojarski P.

Requirements for belt conveyors adapted for transportation of people were presented in the paper. Regulations, which are in force at present, were mentioned and technical possibilities of application of mechanical equipment manufactured by CARBOMECH, Ltd., which was implemented in “Jas-Mos” Colliery, were discussed. Permissions for not obeying requirements included in regulations and permission for operation of equipment and system for transportation of people on belt conveyors were obtained in a result of development of required documentation, which was prepared by KOMAG in close collaboration with users and manufacturer.

State-of-the-art machines and equipment aiding development of roadways with use of explosives

Cebula D., Kalita M., Prostański D.

Selected KOMAG’s design as regards machines and equipment, which are used in a development of stony and stone-and-coal roadway faces with use of explosives, were presented in the paper. Side-discharge loaders cooperating with drilling jumbo, which have significant impact on speeding up work in the face, were presented. Use of additional equipment cooperating with caterpillar face machines extends the range of their use and increases work safety of operators and mining teams.

State-of-the-art methods for ventilation and dust control in roadways in underground mining plants

Jedziniak M., Steindor M., Frydel W., Sekular K.

Methods for ventilation and air cleaning in roadways driven by roadheaders were presented in the paper in the aspect of safety, improvement of air quality and protection of miners health. State-of-the-art devices released within last years on the basis of designs and documentations developed by the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology were discussed. Examples of collaboration between KOMAG and small enterprises manufacturing devices for ventilation systems and dust control were presented. Normalization work carried out by KOMAG in the field mentioned above was described.

New technical solutions of KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology implemented in hoisting machines

Kowal L., Turewicz K., Helmrich P., Nyga K.

Last achievements of KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology associated with implementation of state-of-the-art technical solutions in hoisting machines of mining shaft hoists were presented in the paper. Besides designing of hoisting machines, KOMAG actively participates in creation of state-of-the-art sub-systems, which are the equipment of hoisting machines. Special attention was paid to state-of-the-art control systems of brakes of hoisting machines as regards both pneumatic and hydraulic brakes. Repair and modernization documentations of machine components, which not only enable to maintain those components in operation but also to increase reliability of operation and safety of transportation with use of mining shaft hoists, are important part of realized tasks. Realization of research projects co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and development of new technologies play significant role in a development of new solutions together with industrial partners (including mainly SMEs).

Improvement of design of hoisting machines developed at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

Kowal L., Turewicz K., Helmrich P., Nyga K.:

A development of hoisting machines was presented in the paper on the basis of projects realized at KOMAG and new technical solutions of hoisting machines of mining shaft hoists were given. KOMAG is one of few Polish institutions, which design hoisting machines as regards their mechanical parts. Within 60 years of KOMAG’s activity, many of its design solutions were implemented in mining shaft winders in Poland and abroad. KOMAG collaborated and still collaborates in this field with many manufacturers and companies, which install machines on the objects. Apart of former solutions, the hoisting machines, which were designed and implemented recently were presented in the paper.

Innovative solution of pulsating classifier for treatment of raw minerals

Lenartowicz M., Matusiak P., Kowol D., Łagódka M.

Production of aggregates of better quality according to criteria of effectiveness and environment protection was forced by tougher requirements of receivers of raw minerals. Effective separation of impurities improves the aggregates quality. Innovative solution in a form of pulsating classifier was developed fro that purpose. Technology and principle of operation of the classifier were presented and described in the paper. Different solutions and examples of implementation of classifier were presented. Impact of control parameters on efficiency of separation of impurities was discussed.

Development of KOMAG pulsatory jigs

Lenartowicz M., Matusiak P., Jędo A.., Kowol D.

Development of design of KOMAG pulsatory jigs was presented in the paper. Development of main sub-systems of water pulsatory jigs was reviewed. Changes in the systems for operational air distribution, in solutions of collection of beneficiation products and in control systems of jig, were described.

Use of modelling of acoustic fields in control of over-standard sound emission

Pierchała M., Augustyn A.

Vibroacoustics is one of sciences, which develops in a continuous and dynamic way. Research work carried out by KOMAG contribute to a significant development of acoustics, especially as regards modelling of acoustic field distribution in closed spaces, in the environment, as well as to designing of passive means for noise reduction. Activity of the Division of Applied Vibroacoustics includes not only acoustic analyses for single installations and industrial plants, but also analyses for cities and agglomerations for which computational models, which include all types of noise, were built and over-standard sound emission was determined. Passive means for noise reduction, especially dampers and low-emission ventilation systems of the objects as well as acoustic screens and soundproof housings developed by the Division received recognition.

Innovative means for reduction of over-standard sound emission

Pierchała M., Augustyn A., Marzec Z., Rachwalski M.

The necessity of limiting of over-standard sound emission, both in the environment and at work places results from formal-and-legal requirements, which are in force. Effects of limiting of sound emission to permissible levels, which were gained so far, were not in accordance with expectations as regards noise reduction, what was the result of used technical means. Use of advanced computational models enabled pre-designing of technical means of significantly higher efficiency. Dampers designed at KOMAG and implemented by GRAMA, Ltd. as well as acoustic screens with installed components dissipating acoustic wave, which were presented in the paper, are the examples of such solutions. Innovative shields and soundproof casings of high acoustic insulation effectiveness were also presented.

Hydraulics systems of machines and equipment for the mining industry

Nieśpiałowski K.

Systems consisting of machines and equipment designed for development of workings, for mining and for transportation of run-of-mine and materials are used in the mining industry. Due to specific conditions in mining plants, machines and equipment are equipped with hydraulic systems for supply and control. Hydraulic systems, besides their basic task, which is proper operation of machine, often play auxiliary function, which is supplying of small-mechanization equipment indispensable in a production process. Exemplary solutions of hydraulic systems implemented in machines and equipment designed at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology were presented in the paper.

Research work of KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology as regards air-and-water spraying systems

Prostański D., Bałaga D.

Results of research work carried out by KOMAG as regards development of air-and-water curtain were presented in the paper. Conducted stand tests of air-and-water systems proceeding their implementation in industry, were described. Solutions of installations used in longwall shearers and roadheaders were discussed. Directions of future work were also presented.

Directions of research work aiming at limiting of toxic substances emitted by diesel drives of machines used in deep mines

Dobrzaniecki P., Kaczmarczyk K., Suffner H.:

Problems referring to improvement of quality of exhaust gases, in the aspect of use of diesel drives in the mining industry, were discussed in the paper. Mining diesel drives and systems, aim of which is to limit emission of toxic substances, were reviewed. Methods for treatment of exhaust gases, mainly with use of catalyst, were presented.

Maintenance of mining machines based on knowledge

Winkler T., Rozmus M., Michalak D., Jaszczyk Ł.

Maintenance of mining machines, as one of the factors conditioning a proper realization of production in the factory, was presented in the paper. Machines maintenance is the process, which realization is conditioned by knowledge of the personnel involved in the process of maintenance.

Innovative solutions of control systems and drives of electric locomotives of mine railways

Budzyński Z.

Electric railways with traction and battery locomotives play significant role among all available mine wheeled transportation means. Innovative solution of control system and drive in traction locomotive of Ld-31EM type and work on innovative solution of control system and drive in battery locomotive of Lea-BM12 type were presented in the paper.

Assessment of machines conformity as the element of their operational safety

Figiel A.

Principles and procedures on assessment of machines conformity to requirements of 2006/42/EC Directive with a special attention to such problems like: technical documentation of designing and manufacture of the machine in such a range to enable its assessment; risk assessment; functional safety of control systems, types of possible procedures used for conformity assessment, were discussed in the paper. Range of activity of Division of Attestation Tests, Certifying Body, as the notified body for realization of certification tasks resulting from Machinery Directive, were presented.

Integrated management system of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

Zając R.:

Quality management system based on the international ISO 9001 Standard is the most popular management system both in Poland and in Europe. Permanent improvement of processes, which take place in an organization, and permanent aiming at meeting the requirements of customers are the idea of the system. The paper aims at presentation of integrated management system of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology as efficient and effective tool for being competitive. Most important factors, which have impact on improvement of the system, such as audits, correction and prevention measures, inspections and opinions of customers, were described in the paper.