
The KOMAG Institute in the scope of certification and the conformity assessment, bearing in mind, a public trust in conducted certification processes of management systems, products, services, conformity assessment, does its best, to preserve impartiality while performing them and to be perceived as an impartial body and thus contribute to a trust in the whole system of certification and conformity assessment.

Our objective is to take the decisions on a certification and conformity assessment, basing on the obtained disinterested proofs of conformity (or non-conformity) and lack of influence of any groups of interest or other parties on these decisions.

To meet this objective the Policy of Impartiality has been formulated and the Managing Council which periodically assesses an impartiality of activities performed by the Division of Attestation Tests Certifying Unit in the scope of certification and conformity assessment, has been appointed.


The Division of Attestation Tests Certifying Body assures that at all the levels of the organizational structure, it declares a confidentiality of any information obtained in relation to the process of conformity assessment, certification tests or inspections. The obtained information is not disclosed to any third party without a written consent of the applicant. If the law requires a disclosure of any information to the third party, the customer is informed in advance about a need of the information disclosure.

Contact: Manager: Andrzej Figiel, Ph.D. Eng. email: phone +48 32 2374604, +48 32 2374570 fax: +48 32 2374581