We offer:

  • development of documentation for the purposes of certification and acceptance;
  • services in technical assistance as well as analyses and calculation services, including use of computer technologies;
  • analyses and opinions on selection of drive for mining machines and expert opinions on control of mining machines;
  • author’s supervision over manufacturing and starting up of designed machines and equipment;
  • participation in stand tests of designed machines and equipment;
  • development of concepts, designs and technical documentations of other machines used in the mining industry and in other branches of industry within gained knowledge and skills;
  • application of developed technical solutions in other industries.

KOMAG develops the concepts, designs and documentation of the following electric equipment:

  • integrated control units for mining systems and face systems,
  • roadway machines and equipment: drilling jumbos, feeders, loaders, power-hydraulic packs, etc.,
  • small-mechanization machines: chain hoists, self-propelled winches, etc.,
  • rail transportation machines: traction locomotives, battery locomotives and diesel locomotives,
  • conveyor transportation machines: armoured face conveyors (AFCs), beam stage loaders (BSLs) and belt conveyors,
  • controlled drive systems,
  • multi-source machine drives.


Flameproof module of pack of MBA-1 batteries


Testing the innovative drive system



On-line recording of the results


Results of tests of innovative drive system of LEA locomotive

Bartosz Polnik, M.Sc. Eng.
Manager of the Division of Drives and Control Systems
phone: +48 32 2374407
e-mail: bpolnik@komag.eu