We offer development of concepts, designs and technical documentation of the following machines and equipment:

  • underground and surface drilling jumbos,
  • rotary and percussive drills,
  • small mechanization devices: drills, screwdrivers, saws with hydraulic  and pneumatic drive,
  • hydraulic power packs with electric and hydraulic drive,
  • filters for water and oil-water emulsions ,
  • devices controlling flow of water,
  • auxiliary equipment for cooling systems,
  • emulsion plunger pump,

and the hydraulic systems for different types of machines including the following ones:

  • roadheaders,
  • longwall shearers,
  • side discharge loaders,
  • drilling jumbos,
  • locomotives and haulers  used on the surface and mine undergrounds,
  • suspended monorails.

We realize the research projects associated with hydraulic supply systems.
We offer our experience and assistance during installation work and during start up of the machines and equipment manufactured according to our technical documentation.

Our solutions:

  • FS-60 self-cleaning filter
  • Hydraulic starter to the driving systems
  • High-pressure reversible filter
  • MDR 03AT-E Drilling Jumbo
  • MDR 06A Drilling Jumbo
  • WMD-150 Drilling Jumbo
  • WIG-200 Engineering and Geological Drilling Jumbo



Second place in Innosilesia competition  ”Collaboration of enterprises and science” for the solution „FS-60 self-cleaning filter”





Bronze medal for the solution „FS-60 self-cleaning filter ” at 112th  “Concours Lépine” International Fair for Inventions




Medal in the competition „Product of the Year 2013”, in the category „New Technologies” for the solution „FS-60 self-cleaning filter „. The completion was organized by „Drives and Control” monthly magazine.




Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the innovative solution “FS-60 self-cleaning filter „




Silver Medal at the 61st International Fair Brussels Innova 2012 for the innovative solution „FS-60 self-cleaning filter „




Bronze Medal at the VI International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2012 for the innovative solution ” FS-60 self-cleaning filter „




Our Partners:

imageHellfeier Sp. z o.o.
Zakłady Mechaniczne Urządzeń Wiertniczych Sp. z o.o.
KOPEX Machinery  S.A.
Firma innowacyjno-wdrożeniowa „ELEKTRON” spółka cywilna
Energomechanik Sp. z o.o.